Back In The World Of People

Back in the world of people

In the early morning stillness, my mind wanders between things to do and the chance of a morning dream under the cottonwood tree. Bundling up, I head to the bench that sits precariously between the water well around her and her roots reaching to the surface for the sprinklers water. The Bermuda grass, still brown in its winter wear, lays flat beneath my footprints that melt the morning frost.

I think this morning, I will play with the journey of a single thought… Where am I going and who do I want to be? Self-talk can be so revealing, especially if you are listening to your intuitive voice and not the voice that wants to keep you planted safely where you are.

When I created the class for Dec 30th, Stalking 2023, I did the work for myself in preparation for offering it to you all. One of the things that came up for me was teaching again, not just in this virtual world we are becoming, but with people, in person. There is a deeper richness that feeds me, as the teacher, when there is that in-person feedback with participants ( I know, chat boxes and zoom classrooms are the bomb, but they are not the same, at least for me).

Questions and interaction with participants, often changes the direction of a talk or a class, answers questions that may not be in a syllabus, creates a bond of trust, and enhances the program for the students as well as the teacher. Teaching is a learning experience for the teacher as well. The real magic of in-person events is that people get to connect with each other.

I made a pledge to myself to say “yes” when opportunities came my way, and to hold myself accountable for being prepared to walk through any doors that opened in front of me.

Last Sunday I gave my first in-person talk since 2017 when I was sidelined with multiple knee surgeries and then Covid shut the world down. What a gift yesterday was… thank you Mirtha. It was a small group and I just loved being back with people. I got the call just after setting my intent Dec 30th to “get back out there” and I said yes. Now I am working with the Wild Horse Ranch outside Rocky Mountain House in Alberta, Canada to do a weekend retreat in June. Whoopeee… be careful what you wish for, it just might show up and come true. 😊

“To plant a garden, is to believe in tomorrow,” is what Audrey Hepburn said, I’ll add, it is to believe in you, too.

Ten years ago, I posted this quote from “The Universe” on Facebook, and it is so perfect for today…

~ from Mike Dooley:
In the face of adversity, uncertainty and conflicting sensory information, I hereby pledge to remain ever mindful of the magical, infinite, loving reality I live in. A reality that conspires tirelessly in my favor. I further recognize, that living within space and time, as a Creation amongst my Creations, is the ultimate Adventure, because thoughts become things, dreams come true, and all things remain forever possible.”

Did you know that you are everything you are meant to be or be doing in this exact moment, right now? You are and you are becoming!

As a Being of Light, I hereby resolve to live, love and be happy, at all costs, no matter what, with reverence and kindness for All.

May your focus be on the path ahead knowing that you are guided, encouraged, inspired, and directed by your Creator, your ancestors, allies, and all the beings of light that surround you and love you as you manifest your dream on this earth journey. You are enough!

Back to writing, and loving the choreography of words around paper and across screens.

Happy Trails.

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Get Off The Shelf by Vick Dobbs

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You First Practical Wisdom for Nurturing Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul by Vicki Dobbs

Vicki DobbsVicki Dobbs is a bold and adventurous warrior walking a path of heart to manifest spirituality in everyday lives. She opens existential gateways for individuals to face their challenges and embrace these tests as the great teachers that they are.

Her goal is to see everyone walk in beauty and balance every day of their lives empowered by the voice of their own authentic truth.

Through Wisdom Evolution and Sacred Wisdom Workshops, Vicki creates opportunities for others to make deep personal changes through experiential classes, ceremony, sacred art and story. She endeavors to inspire others to create their lives intentionally. Vicki is an Inspirator of everyday awareness, an Instigator of spontaneous stories and a Connoisseur of Creativity. Gratitude and grace sprinkled with humility and humor are the medicine she brings to the world.

As an Elder, Teacher and Entrepreneur, Spiritual Coach, Ordained Minister and Crafter of Sacred Art and Tools, Vicki perceives life’s journey as an ever-upward spiraling ascension of the human spirit leading her to wisdom, wholeness and authenticity.

Her experience includes being trained in the Harner Method of Shamanic Counseling and the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross Cultural Shamanism. She is a Graduate Teacher and Mentor with the Lynn Andrews Center For Sacred Arts and Training and has been the Administrator and Writers Guide for Writing Spirit, the School.

Vicki is also an Artist of the Spirit Certified Spiritual and Energetic Life Coach, a Graduate Mentor in the AoS program and a founding member of HeatherAsh Amara’s Warrior Goddess Leadership Team and Facilitator of the Warrior Heart Practice.

Connect with Vicki here on Facebook: