I Wish You…

I Wish You…

when You look upon that distant star

I want to first and foremost wish each and every one of you, the best the holidays have to offer. May your days be merry and bright, filled with an abundance of love and light, laughter to spare and smiles to share. Wherever you are as you look upon that distant star, may all your prayers be heard, your wishes come true and most of all may you know the gratitude of this writer for your presence in her life.

It is the morning of Christmas Eve… a special Friday to feed your thoughts as you are perhaps preparing for the arrival of family and friends, packing to go be with family and friends or preparing a place for you to be with you as you sit in the energy of this Solstice quiet time, this time of celebrating for many, remembering for many more.

I listened to Keith Urban one evening a few years back, say to one of the young singers on American Idol… ”Some people sing and they have this attitude, “Look what I can do”.  Other people sing and they say,” Look what I have to do”.  When you sing, you say, “Look what I GET to do”.

That’s how I feel about being able to share here with you each week… Look what I get to do!  Thank you!

I am at a bit of a loss as to what to write this week, I have run the gamit of emotions watching them all rise and overcome me, then slowly drift back out to wherever they hang out waiting for that perfect storm to overtake me again.  I have laughed the hardest, cried like I have cried in a long time, sat with joy and entertained sadness wondering why this week, this year of all things, is so hard?

I don’t have any answers, I only have each day to wake up and decide how I will move through it or sit it out, engage it or watch it slide by.  This last Monday evening I finished making a new stocking for my grandson.  My daughter came over this past weekend and we cut out leather, hair on hide pieces, gator stamped pieces, wonderfully worn, smooth cowhide we reclaimed from a broken-down couch that was making its way to the dump.

She designed what each boy had asked for and we figured out how we would sew and lace them together and voila! New fun for their holidays and joy-filled creativity for me.  You see, she came to remind me that creativity fuels my joy, pulls me off the couch and into a space of divine inspiration.  Creativity moves me.

I look forward to the arrival of a dear friend coming for the week and in a better space than I have been in a week.  I am ready…

I hope you never get tired of me saying thank you.

I hope each of you will choose to create and enjoy an amazing week as you continue to make a positive difference in the lives of all you touch.

“Get my Free Gift Living An Intentional Life”

Vicki Dobbs is a bold and adventurous warrior walking a path of heart to manifest spirituality in everyday lives. She opens existential gateways for individuals to face their challenges and embrace these tests as the great teachers that they are.

Her goal is to see everyone walk in beauty and balance every day of their lives empowered by the voice of their own authentic truth.

Through Wisdom Evolution and Sacred Wisdom Workshops, Vicki creates opportunities for others to make deep personal changes through experiential classes, ceremony, sacred art and story. She endeavors to inspire others to create their lives intentionally. Vicki is an Inspirator of everyday awareness, an Instigator of spontaneous stories and a Connoisseur of Creativity. Gratitude and grace sprinkled with humility and humor are the medicine she brings to the world.

As an Elder, Teacher and Entrepreneur, Spiritual Coach, Ordained Minister and Crafter of Sacred Art and Tools, Vicki perceives life’s journey as an ever-upward spiraling ascension of the human spirit leading her to wisdom, wholeness and authenticity.

Her experience includes being trained in the Harner Method of Shamanic Counseling and the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross Cultural Shamanism. She is a Graduate Teacher and Mentor with the Lynn Andrews Center For Sacred Arts and Training and has been the Administrator and Writers Guide for Writing Spirit, the School.

Vicki is also an Artist of the Spirit Certified Spiritual and Energetic Life Coach, a Graduate Mentor in the AoS program and a founding member of HeatherAsh Amara’s Warrior Goddess Leadership Team and Facilitator of the Warrior Heart Practice.

Connect with Vicki here on Facebook: