Like The Clouds Rain When They Get Too Heavy

Like The Clouds Rain When They Get Too Heavy

What if the phone rings...“Like when the clouds cry because they are too ‘heavy’ to carry the rain, rivers of emotions may flow from the depths of our souls when our eyes leak. It’s OK, release what the heart can no longer hold.”

When I was a kid, the tears would flow when I was watching Lassie on TV. Lassie might get hurt or be lost, she would struggle to help Timmy get out of a jam or find his way home. My mom would soothe me with these words indelibly linked to my TV tears, “It’s Ok Vicki, everything is going to be OK. They have to be on next week’s show.” That never made any sense to me as a child but of course it is quite logical (thank you Spock) for the adult mind.

I am one whose emotions overflow my eye sockets more often than not. I cry when I am happy (at weddings especially, arghh), or sad. Tears come when I am scared, angry, or even just trying to stand up for myself with a boss. Tears leak out of my eyes at the most inconvenient times, (I still tear up every single time I hear the National Anthem even when I am in a happy place).

I had one boss ask me what was wrong when those dreaded tears came welling up in the corner of my eyes while I was poignantly discussing a point I knew I was right about. I think she saw it as a weakness and tried the sympathy thing to reconnect and get out of a difficult conversation. I was able to finally say to someone, “NOTHING! These tears have nothing to do with you. It is just my way of releasing all the frustration I am feeling listening to you try to explain away your need to control a situation that has no bearing on the problem at hand.”

There, I did it, tears and all. I stood up for me and accepted (probably for the first time), that those leaky eyes were not a sign of weakness but simply my way of letting go so I could go on.

Have you ever found yourself in that tearful place, embarrassed, turned away or walked away because the person or situation was causing your eyes to leak? Let’s stand up for tears! Let’s collect them in a tissue or a little glass vial and HONOR them for the amazing gift they are to and for us. I know when the tears come watching Grays Anatomy or 800 Words, that there is a message in that story I need to pay attention to or even write down.

I have come to realize that my tears are great teachers as well as the whistle on my personal “tea pot”, releasing whatever emotion that has bubbled to the surface, reminding me that it is real, that I am real and that my feelings and emotions are real, not to be stuffed or set aside.

Have you found yourself burying or stuffing your emotions when they are inconvenient? We are born with all the tools we need to experience a multiple array of complex and diverse emotions. This week I am asking you to “feel” into the body of your emotions and let them loose. Laugh out loud in a crowded room, let the tears fall when something touches your heart. Don’t dumb down your feelings, face the issue, good or bad, and revel in the knowing that you are all you need to be to move through whatever you are dealing with.

We have been isolated, disconnected, asked to stay apart and keep our distance. I don’t know about you, but I have lost all sense of “my” community, the places I used to go where there were smiles and hugs in abundance, where I was known, and I knew people. I want to go outside and scream HELLOOOOOOOO… is anybody there?

When I give in to the overwhelm, the isolation, the “lack” I perceive in and about my world take over, I am doing myself absolutely no good, I serve no one let alone my highest good or yours. Instead, I am choosing to focus each week on what is going on in the present and “dreaming” into what will fuel the joy of this brave new world we are all creating as we move through the chaos into clarity and calm.

I have decided to face that challenge and begin to “dream” a new community, virtually and in-person. That is where writing to you all each week is moving me out of my comfy chair and moving me into creativity once again. I know I say it often, but I don’t think it can be said enough, thank you for being there, for being a part of my “circle” and for supporting me, and for giving me a place to be accountable for showing up in the present as I dream into the future.

You are seen, you are appreciated, and you are what makes my days joy-filled.

Making yourself a priority, isn’t selfish, it’s necessary. Treating yourself to a day off or a day of pampering, even purchasing something that makes you happy… make you #1 on your priority list this week.


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Vicki Dobbs is a bold and adventurous warrior walking a path of heart to manifest spirituality in everyday lives. She opens existential gateways for individuals to face their challenges and embrace these tests as the great teachers that they are.

Her goal is to see everyone walk in beauty and balance every day of their lives empowered by the voice of their own authentic truth.

Through Wisdom Evolution and Sacred Wisdom Workshops, Vicki creates opportunities for others to make deep personal changes through experiential classes, ceremony, sacred art and story. She endeavors to inspire others to create their lives intentionally. Vicki is an Inspirator of everyday awareness, an Instigator of spontaneous stories and a Connoisseur of Creativity. Gratitude and grace sprinkled with humility and humor are the medicine she brings to the world.

As an Elder, Teacher and Entrepreneur, Spiritual Coach, Ordained Minister and Crafter of Sacred Art and Tools, Vicki perceives life’s journey as an ever-upward spiraling ascension of the human spirit leading her to wisdom, wholeness and authenticity.

Her experience includes being trained in the Harner Method of Shamanic Counseling and the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross Cultural Shamanism. She is a Graduate Teacher and Mentor with the Lynn Andrews Center For Sacred Arts and Training and has been the Administrator and Writers Guide for Writing Spirit, the School.

Vicki is also an Artist of the Spirit Certified Spiritual and Energetic Life Coach, a Graduate Mentor in the AoS program and a founding member of HeatherAsh Amara’s Warrior Goddess Leadership Team and Facilitator of the Warrior Heart Practice.

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