What Dream Lies Dormant in the Bottom of Your Heart

What Dream Lies Dormant in the Bottom of Your Heart

What Dream Lies Dormant in the Bottom of Your Heart

One day, when I am very old, and when I cannot walk anymore, each dream fulfilled, will be in my heart, a trophy to those memories.

When you step outside, get off course to move down an unknown path, to find the hidden canyon in your soul, there’s a whole world out there for you to discover. Even if you trip a few times along the way, get wet, feel cold, sweat under a blazing sun, and feel afraid or fall, you just gotta pick yourself up. Maybe you’ll find what you’re looking for, the elusive dream lying at the bottom of your heart.

I realized these past several week’s journey had this whole other purpose, one I didn’t understand at first, and then I did. I fell down, and I stood up. I spoke a thousand words to myself. I sang and I shouted, joy and fury rolled up into the madness of conversation. And yep, I cried. That’s what this last month has felt like, and then I knew.

The hero’s journey, the quest for that holy dream, is about pushing forward today and tomorrow and keepin’ on, til one fine night under the stars or lazy afternoon under the sun, you realize it’s right in front of you, the dream.

A dear friend and mentor shared with me today, that when I tried to look too far ahead, I was way out of the present now and was robbing myself of those precious moments. My daughter reminded me last week that dwelling in the past just made for the madness of stress or just made a softer bed for the what if’s and should have’s or could have’s, to sink into for false comfort.

I read in DailyOm this week, “…that if our dreams and goals require a tremendous amount of effort, we may interpret this to mean that our dream is not meant to be. However, difficulty is not necessarily a sign that our hopes and plans are ill-fated. On the contrary, difficulties and challenges along the path can be important parts of the ‘dreams’ overall meaning.”

I know this to be true for me in this past month, challenged by time and taxes and monsters that hide under the bed. I hit that wall of madness that comes with no sleep and long-ignored to-do lists never written down, now cluttering the mind into forgetfulness and fear.

I got out a fresh little notebook and began writing; writing all the things that come to mind, the undone, the half-done and the almost done. I didn’t put them in any order or give them a priority, I just started writing.

I went to bed with fewer butterflies still awake in my belly and woke up with a sense of serenity I haven’t felt in quite a while. By six o’clock guilt was taking up residence in my brain as it began reminding me of that “to-do” list still lying on the nightstand in a closed journal.

I’ll get to them,” I thought to myself as I proceeded to watch the latest episode of Outlander.

“I promise, I’ll get to them.”

I crawled into bed, restless, tossing and turning, the TV stuck on a safe mode screen, the remote hidden under a sleeping husband. I can’t get settled in the “white” lit room.  Where is that damn remote?

An hour later, I gave up and got up with the undone “to-do” list nagging me on.

“Fine,” I whispered under my breath, thinking it might rouse the sleeper and release the remote. Nope!

11:30 pm sitting at the computer in my office staring at a blank screen that needs emails written and inquiries made. The words came, flowing across the white paper as they completed the number one item on my to-do list.  Then the pen flew across the notepad as I listed those I need to connect with and what I want to say.

12:30 am and I hear hubby stirring in the other room, maybe the remote has gotten free.

Breathing easier, I head back to bed, items checked off now yesterday’s to-do list and those left moved to today. The remote lay there by my pillow as though divinely placed. TV off, sleep comes easily in the comfort of my pillow piled, comfy place, remote on the nightstand next to a re-freshed (for later today) to-do list.

Go in search of your dream, the one that lies dormant in the bottom of your heart. Rouse it, wake it, fly with it, and make it come true. Your dream matters, you matter!

May you dream the magnificence of your heart’s fondest desires and ignite them into reality with your soul’s fire. Choose you first, you have a right to be happy!

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Vicki Dobbs is a bold and adventurous warrior walking a path of heart to manifest spirituality in everyday lives. She opens existential gateways for individuals to face their challenges and embrace these tests as the great teachers that they are.

Her goal is to see everyone walk in beauty and balance every day of their lives empowered by the voice of their own authentic truth.

Through Wisdom Evolution and Sacred Wisdom Workshops, Vicki creates opportunities for others to make deep personal changes through experiential classes, ceremony, sacred art and story. She endeavors to inspire others to create their lives intentionally. Vicki is an Inspirator of everyday awareness, an Instigator of spontaneous stories and a Connoisseur of Creativity. Gratitude and grace sprinkled with humility and humor are the medicine she brings to the world.

As an Elder, Teacher and Entrepreneur, Spiritual Coach, Ordained Minister and Crafter of Sacred Art and Tools, Vicki perceives life’s journey as an ever-upward spiraling ascension of the human spirit leading her to wisdom, wholeness and authenticity.

Her experience includes being trained in the Harner Method of Shamanic Counseling and the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross Cultural Shamanism. She is a Graduate Teacher and Mentor with the Lynn Andrews Center For Sacred Arts and Training and has been the Administrator and Writers Guide for Writing Spirit, the School.

Vicki is also an Artist of the Spirit Certified Spiritual and Energetic Life Coach, a Graduate Mentor in the AoS program and a founding member of HeatherAsh Amara’s Warrior Goddess Leadership Team and Facilitator of the Warrior Heart Practice.

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