Wisdom Evolution Courses and Sacred Wisdom Workshops
Programs, Classes and Workshops

At Wisdom Evolution, we present collaborative classes integrating ancient wisdom with modern modalities through experiential learning, laughter and love. When you connect with your own truth, that authentic voice inside that says YES, you touch the Divine within you that sparks your passion, ignites your joy and takes you to new levels of living. That is the goal of the events, classes, art and creativity we offer through our Sacred Wisdom Evolution Courses and Sacred Wisdom Workshops.

Through your own study, inspiration and hard work, you will begin to peel back the layers of what was so you can see what you want life to be and begin the process of intentionally moving forward into your authentic self. We at Sacred Wisdom Workshops would love to bring these power filed programs to your area or have you join us at a class near you.

Connect with me here on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SacredWisdomTeaching

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Upcoming Events

Harness the Superpower of the Fall Equinox
to Fuel your Life!

September 21 – September 22, 2024

Bridging the Legacies of Lynn Andrews and the Sisterhood of the Shields, Way of the Shaman, Michael Harner, & Medicine Wheel Teachings of Evelyn Eaton.

  • Learn the Classic Methods of the Shaman
  • Explore Rattle Making and Shamanic Drumming to Journey
  • Discover Your Power Animal Helper
  • Explore the Shamanic Worlds of Healing and the Medicine Wheel

Programs, Classes and Workshops

Any of these classes can be combined and offered as a full weekend gathering.
We will schedule each class individually and discounts will be offered for participants attending more than one class.

Introduction to the Sacred Art of Prayer

In this beginning class, you will learn how to prepare to pray, create prayer sticks and prayer ties and how to incorporate them into your daily lives. 

About 2 hours    $75.00

Drumm making background

Drum Magic

Imagine making your own sacred drum. You will be creating a round or octagon shaped shamanic, one sided drum in either horse, deer or elk hide (buffalo is an additional cost of $15-20./drum). Hide varieties will depend on availability at the time the class is scheduled.

4-5 hours – cost based on size. 12” – $165.00      15” – $225.00

Rattle Wisdom

Crafting the womb of a rawhide rattle that will carry a sacred voice to use in shamaninc journey work, for balancing energy, for divination of energy blocks in yourself or others, to move energy and to enjoy adding its voice to drum and song circles.       

2-3 hours – $65 

The Sacred Art of Working with Feathers

Includes making a feather fan, learning about prayer, blessing and smudge feathers. You will also learn to use your feather or fans for cleansing and clearing yourself personally, your sacred space or to help someone else do the same.

3-4 hours      $90.00

Using Our Stone Teachers

Conversations with a Rock, an exercise in divination and discovery through journey work and introspection. Learn to Listen to our silent teachers.

2-3 hours     $75.00

Stalking your Dream

Paint your dream into being after you have journeyed around the sacred wheel stalking the essence of that dream.

3-4 hours    $75.00

Sacred Communication

Learn to make and use a Talking Stick, develop your shamanic abilities to communicate with your Pwer Animals, Guides, Guardians and all those who love you.

3-4 hrs.     $75.00

The Sacred Art of Prayer

Learn how you can prepare to pray, how to create prayer sticks and bundles, as well as prayer beads and the use of these sacred items.

3-4 hours    $75.00

Ocean Drums – Calling in our Ancestors

In this experiential workshop, you will be making a 10-11″ gourd ocean drum working your  sacred intent to make a medicine tool, with the elementals of each of the directions, and the energy of the stars, the Milky Way and the Plieades creating a bridge for you to connect with your ancestors, past, present and future.

3-4  hours   $125.00

Weaving Magic and Mystery into a Sacred Medicine Basket

In this class you will use weaving as a form of prayer, for divination and communication as you weave the magic and mystery of you and your energy into a healing tool for yourself and others.

3-5 hours    $75.00

Whispers in the Wind

Connecting to Spirit through the silent movement of feathers in the wind.  In this class you will create a “silent” wind chime of feathers that will both carry your prayers to Spirit and be a conduit of messages from Spirit back to you as you listen to the Whispers in the Wind. You will learn to use the Wind as a counselor, guide and storyteller. ​

4-5 hours   $95.00

Vicki Dobbs has facilitated several drum and rattle making workshops as well as basket weaving at my center in Diamond Springs. She is a divine story teller and describes her Sacred Tools with deep reverence.

Those who have attended her events only have praise for her as being exceptional in her work and a joy to be around. I will have her at my center again and again.

Drumming the Sacred Dreamer

A Lynn Andrews Production taught by Vicki – in this 12 hour course you will learn to use your own drum in sacred partnership to bring balance to your Spirit, Mind and Body. This can be facilitated on a Friday evening and long day Saturday or split up on a Saturday and Sunday. $225.00 

Weekend of Creativity

A Weekend of Sacred Creativity, making your own sacred tools (drum, rattle, prayer stick and power bundle) Explore the creation of your own sacred tools, connect with their power animals and make your drum, rattle, mallet, prayer stick and medicine pouch. Fri, evening, all day Sat and 1/2 day Sun. or long day Sat. $350.00

I decided first off to conjure a drum making workshop in the spring so that I could make my drum. It was kind of a birthing intent I felt, something that I knew absolutely nothing about would come out of me and make a song. I knew that this drum would symbolize my commitment to my path. In summary, this experience has amazed me. Its magic continues to floor me as I realize something very ,very new to me which I will explore in depth.

Workshop Videos